
Magazine Cover Archive

Un site que es dedica a recopilar portades bones de revistes. No us en perdeu cap!
Que bones les de Emigre i quins records oi JJ?

The Nation Magazine Cover Archive (NMCA) is a non-commercial 'hobbysite' devoted to helping keep inspirational magazine design alive. These are dark days for magazine design with homogenisation and closure of many well known (and loved) titles. Have you noticed how bland, safe and banal our newsstands have been looking lately? Is this what you want? Hey consumers, vote with your feet! Don't let quality magazines die." — NMCA Editor


2 comentaris:

Marta ha dit...

Quin gust veure tantes portades de Emigre juntes!

Anònim ha dit...

Vist en perspectiva els 90's van ser ben curiosos...